Airport Management System: Logistic 1 (Maintenance Repair and Overhaul, Asset Management, Warehousing, Procurement)
iterative, functionalities, successionAbstract
The system has three problems. The first is lack of communication the project team was supposed to cooperate with developing the project but some of them don’t want to voice-out their opinions. The second is Quality of the finished product/project, the quality of the project finished did not meet the client’s expectation and last is Demand the client, and the client demands a quality that is much higher than the budget allotted. The Solution of the proposed project is to help the company in a way that it can be useful to be used in every day works. The project provides a good quality which will meet the client and user’s expectation when it comes to organizing the record. Specifically it is design to sustain the needs of the company. The project team uses agile methodology, the lists used in this project is the brainstorming with the whole section regarding on the EIS, the purpose of system is to solidify and make a real user friendly interface. The design must be attractive, easy to understand and suitable to different kinds of user. It must be in detailed information. Supporting development infrastructure configuration can be handled it has a budget to pertain the needs of the developer. In other hand the developer need some budget and a technological material that can build a system. The quality assurance will focus on the processes used in the system, in order to ensure quality an iterative quality process will be used throughout the project life cycle. The project team is able to finish the specific requirements of the system requested by sponsor. The result of the succession of the system. The project manager is responsible for ensuring the completion of these project; a tested and operational program management database tool, free of errors and meet the specifications described in the project scope description, a tested operational program template tool (as a part of a system) which allows admin to enter data in a consistent manner, a complete and through user’s manual which provides step by step instructions on how to use the system for users of all permission levels, a complete and through troubleshooting guide which provides corrective steps for users of all permission levels for all anticipated problems. In this previous oral defense in PS1 the findings given by the panel are: Document plan, proposal, chapter 1-5, software functionalities 4 requirements: Personalized screen, import/export facility, free report facility, analytical report and be specific on the forms and reports to be used. The project team included the document plans that will be created during the development of the system also the software functionalities and specify the forms and reports to be used as they follow the requirements. This study was conducted by a development team to partial fulfillment of the project study II, this follow a hypothesis of Agile. The proponents of Logistics 1 is planning, implementing, and controlling procedures for the efficient and effective transportation and storage of goods, including services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption.