A Feasibility Study on the Establishment of Coffee Frappe in Bestlink College of the Philippines
coffee frappe, feasibility study, BCPAbstract
This research was focuses on the production of unique taste with a twist of coffee jelly frappes. Ingredients used were coffee, condense milk, chocolate, whip cream, and jelly powdered. They are health for breakfast for ages because of the content. The main sources of data came from the 10 respondents who taste our product. The researcher also used secondary sources of research such as INTERNET, books, journal, concept regarding to the related study. Finding from the study revealed that the product is sweet and tasty. This is an implication that the ingredients were accurately measured, and mixing of ingredients was carefully followed. After the research conducting on the significant aspect such as the process involved in preparing product, marketing, financial management and social economic aspect of the study. It is highly recommended that coffee jelly frappe shall be pursued and established. Survey questionaire. It is very essential to know the demand of the products in order to answer the costumer needs and wants. Knowing the demand will help us to determine the trend for our products. Analyzing the demand throughly will give the projection of the total number of quantity of each product that we’re going to produce daily, weekly, monthly, and annually.The result shows that forty five percent (45%) of the respondents said that they often to drink cappuccino in the other shop. While thirty percent (30%) of the respondents said that they often to drink latte in the other shop. And twenty five percent (25%) of the respondents said that they often drink is café Americano in the other shop. This imply that the cappuccino is the best taste for the others. Based on the information gathered the researcher, they know that their product will be acceptable in the market because base on the survey. The result shows that seventy five percent (75%) of the respondents said that our product is affordable for 25 pesos. While ten percent (10%) of the respondents said that our product is not affordable for 25 pesos. And fifteen percent (15%) of the respondents said that they not sure if our product is affordable.