Benefits of Creating Recycled Paper Design in Classrooms of Grade 12 Accountancy and Business Management Strand Students at Bestlink College of the Philippines
recycled paper design, decorationAbstract
Improper waste segregationin terms of school facilities has considerable effects not only on students but also on teachers, utilities, and even the school environment. Therefore, the researchers decided to conduct a study that focuses on proper segregation, particularly in recycling used papers. The researchers decided to conduct research that gives a solution to the problem of improper waste disposal and promotes recycling. This study focused on implementing few recycling activities into the students’ inspirational ideas and projects that can help the environment situation and students by using used papers as the main material. Paper mache is a handicraft that is made from old newspapers, tissues, or any used paper and mold it to make handicrafts or a decoration. A descriptive method was used in this study. This study aimed to keep the cleanliness and identify the benefits of making used paper into a classroom design in grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand students at Bestlink College of the Philippines. The study positively impacted the students and the classroom, which decreased the amount of paper waste inside the classroom. It also improved the appearance of the classroom because of the decorations, which give a good impression not only to the classroom but also to the whole class. This study suggested that the students need to be responsible to lessen paper waste. It also needs student participation to make this research effective and successful. This study can help to reduce paper waste in the classroom and make it a piece of decor to make the classroom presentable.