Student Information System Bulacan: Logistics 1 (Project Management, Procurement, Warehouse, Asset Management)
logistics, agile scrum methodology, module, sprint backlogAbstract
This study focuses on the Logistics part of Student Information System. Problems encountered such as it stopped the project when the project is delay or the task is not moving on time. When the purchasing item rushed product, the out of stock have low quality not to maintain cause an defection. In a way provide successful development and implementation of all project procedures, supply base efficiently and effectively, monitoring the warehouse to avoid damaged and monitor asset weekly to avoid defection. Agile Scrum Methodology is a simple way that the proponents used to complete this study. It is composed of project background, project charter, product backlog, sprint backlog, user manual, recommendation and conclusion and appendices. It discussed the module problem, solution and the output in the system. The Logistics System had a managing of project, often security, purchasing item, inventory, reporting, operating, maintaining, upgrading and disposing of assets cost-effectively these are the contents in the system. The system will work it and implemented in the system. Notify the approval and pending, security the workflow must be able to complete the cycle. Also where in connected and the needed. The system output it has way to procedures and organized the flow. Every modules are functioning, notified the contents and the information in others. The proponents conclude that Logistics 1 all the module that will cater the logistics business process. Terms of managing, purchasing, inventory, checking, viewing, and disposing to become more useful.