Assessment on Level of Satisfaction in Food and Services by Food Court Owners at Bestlink College of the Philippines
level of satisfaction, foods and servicesAbstract
Customer satisfaction plays an important role in a business; not only it is the leading indicator to measure the customer’s loyalty and identify unhappy customers, but it is also a key point of differentiation that helps to attract new customers in competitive business environments. Therefore, satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance relation to his/her expectations. If the performance falls short of expectation, then the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectation, then the customer will be satisfied. The researchers conducted this study to assess the level of satisfaction with food and services. The quantitative-descriptive research method was used here. Purposive sampling was utilized to choose 50 General Academic Strand students as respondents. The overall weighted means of all variables were 3.82 for male respondents and 3.97 for female respondents, which had the verbal interpretation of strongly agree. Based on the findings of the study and the conclusions that were drawn, the following recommendations were forwarded to improve the level of satisfaction with foods and services. To improve these foods and services, customers should give different insights and opinions to food owners for them to know what facilities to improve and improve for the cleanliness and grooming of the crew. The following conclusions were drawn. Both groups of respondents strongly agreed on the assessment of food and services by food court owners and assessment of the level of satisfaction on food and services in terms of sanitation, services, and food be maintained.