Viability of Crab Meat as Alternative Ingredients in Making Meat Balls among Home Economics Students and Teachers in Bestlink College of the Philippines, S.Y. 2019–2020
Crab Meat BallsAbstract
Crabmeat is the meat found within a crab. It is used in many cuisines across the world for its soft, delicate and sweet taste. Crab meat is low in fat and contains around 340 KJ (82 Keal) per 85-gram (3 oz) serving. Brown crab (Cancer pagurus), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), and blue swimming crabs (Portunus hanii) are among the most commercially available species of crab meat global. In some fisheries, crabmeat is harvested by declawing crabs, wherein one or both claws of a line crab are manually pulled off, and the animals is the returned to water. The practice is defended because some crabs can naturally autotomize (shed) limbs and then regenerate these limbs about a year late after a series of molts. Crab is one of the best possible dietary sources of protein available. It contains almost as much protein per 100 grams of meat without anywhere near the same level of saturated fat, which is linked to an increased risk of heart disease. The method that the researchers used was experimental method. Experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable causes change in another variable. This method relies on controlled methods, random assignment, and the manipulation of variables to test a hypothesis. The result of the analysis based on the comments and recommendations of the respondents showed that the texture of this product should be improved. Crab meat balls was not well-crushed and needs to be evenly distributed. They also said that we need to improve our packaging to make it attractive to the customers. Lastly, they recommended us to explain the nutritional value of the product for the consumer to know its benefits to their health. However, many respondents said that this product was tasty and affordable. They also said that this product could grow if sold elsewhere. As mentioned in chapter 1, the purpose of this study was to assess the level of viability of crab meat balls. In conclusion, the result of the survey or analysis showed that the product can be compared or can compete with other seafoods. Mostly, some of the respondents said that our product tasted good, and it smelled great. They said that we need to improve the texture of the crab meat balls. Afterward, we can compare the crab meat balls to other products that are available in the market today. The primary objective of this research was to identify the assessment of the crab meat balls and develop and improve the product. The investigation was conducted in Bestlink College of the Philippines in December 2019. Descriptive method was used, and nominative survey technique was used to gather data. Out of the 50 students, 21% of the respondents aged 17 and 18. A total of 50 students are all senior high school, and the 10 teachers are all college graduates and have TVL certificate holders