Factors Affecting Customers Satisfactionof Chooks to Go at Novaliches Quezon City: An Analysis for the Effectivity of an Organization

Vol.3, No.1B


  • Jacqueline A. Arenas Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Ruzzel A. Castillo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Don Johan B. Galanido Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Chadelyn S. Lasingga Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Rose L. Mahinay Bestlink College of the Philippines


Oven-roasted Chicken, Customer Satisfaction, 4P's of Marketing Mix, Influence


The popularity of oven-roasted chicken has declined, and sales have plateaued. Chooks to Go, a company in the Philippines, increases its broiler and breeder operations by 20% annually, processing over 200,000 birds daily, with nearly half reserved for Chooks outlets. Despite the success of Chooks to Go, some customers still need to be satisfied, indicating an underlying issue. A business must prioritize customer satisfaction by offering high-quality products, exceptional service, and effective post-purchase solutions, as customers are vital to a company's success. The 4P's of the marketing mix are useful tools for promoting products.


A study was conducted to identify factors impacting customer satisfaction when purchasing roasted chicken at Chooks to Go stalls in Novaliches Bayan, Quezon City. The findings will benefit future companies by providing insights into customer preferences and how to meet their needs.


The researchers utilized a quantitative research method through a survey questionnaire to gather and analyze data efficiently. Participants were chosen through convenience sampling, which relied on their willingness and availability.


The study found that food quality, brand image, employee behaviour, and service quality significantly impact customer satisfaction. Similarly, price, place, product, and promotion variables significantly affect customer satisfaction. However, the major issue encountered by respondents was poor stall management.


In summary, businesses must prioritize customer satisfaction by providing high-quality products, exceptional service, and effective post-purchase solutions. Companies can use the 4Ps of the marketing mix to promote their products effectively.




How to Cite

Arenas, J. A. ., Castillo, R. A. ., Galanido, D. J. B. ., Lasingga, C. S. ., & Mahinay, R. L. . (2024). Factors Affecting Customers Satisfactionof Chooks to Go at Novaliches Quezon City: An Analysis for the Effectivity of an Organization: Vol.3, No.1B. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1B). Retrieved from https://ojs.aaresearchindex.com/index.php/aasgbcpjmra/article/view/12914