An Investigatory Project of Mango (Mangifera indica) Leaves as Shampoo for Hair Growth

Vol.4, No.1


  • James Dale Uplac Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Rodion Kinkito Jr Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Christian Belmonte
  • Kristine Gamo Bestlink College of the Philippines




Many people, specifically adults, suffer from hair loss. Therefore, to take care of hair, the
researchers thought of making shampoo that could improve hair growth. The shampoo will
help people make shampoo with Indian mango leaf extract to cleanse the hair, make hair
stronger, treat hair loss, and make hair shinier.

The results of the study in terms of ingredients, procedural methodology, effectiveness, safety
of utilization, and presentation are acceptable. The acquired overall weighted mean of the
dermatologists was 3.06, interpreted as "agree," and the chemical engineers had an overall
weighted mean of 3.30, interpreted as "agree." The t-critical is 2.306, and the t-computed is
0.50. It indicates that there is no significant difference between the assessments of
dermatologists and chemical engineers.

For further improvement of the shampoo, the respondents recommend adding more
ingredients like jojoba oil, Moroccan oil, or any other natural oil that can have different scents
and adding aloe vera. For effectiveness, it needs more improvement. For the safety of
utilization, elaborate more on this. And for the presentation, make better packaging.



How to Cite

Uplac, J. D. ., Kinkito Jr, R. ., Belmonte, C. ., & Gamo, K. . (2024). An Investigatory Project of Mango (Mangifera indica) Leaves as Shampoo for Hair Growth: Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from