Psychological Well-Being and Academic Achievement Among Psychology College Students at Beslink College of the Philippines: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program
Vol.4, No.1
The aim of the research study entitled "Psychological Well-Being and Academic Achievement
Among Psychology College Students at Bestlink College of the Philippines: Basis for a
Proposed Intervention Program" is to know if the student's psychological well-being affects
their academic achievement.
Autonomy has a mean of two point eighty-nine (2.89), Environmental Mastery has a mean of
two point twenty-nine (2.29), Personal Growth has a mean of two point forty-two (2.42),
Positive Relation with Others has a mean of two point eighty-six (2.86), Purpose in Life has a
mean of two point sixty-eight (2.68), and Self Acceptance has a mean of two point sixty seven
(2.67). The result shows that Autonomy ranked first among the six (6) dimensions of
Psychological Well-Being according to Carol Ryff’s theory, while Environmental Mastery
ranked sixth. The computed r is one point zero (1.00), which is a Positive, Very High
The data analysis determined that there was a significant relationship between psychological
well-being and academic achievement. The findings achieved in this study would benefit the
students, parents, teachers, school, and future researchers.