The Effects of Extracurricular Activities in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students of Bestlink College of the Philippines School Year 2018-2019: Basis for a Proposed Action Plan


  • Clarisse Amy Perez
  • Maeka Ella Deotoy
  • Ryan Varron
  • Jeshuah Macasinag
  • Julieto Tomenio
  • Mary Grace A. Perfecto


extracurricular activities, academic performance, sports, social events


Extracurricular activities refer to activities that include sports, clubs, and different social events normally not included in the formal curriculum. Students who participate in these activities do not earn any grade for it. However, this study aims to explain how being involved in these activities affects the academic performance of the students. It is very important to discuss this matter because it has a big impact on how students perform academically and how they manage their time. The researchers themselves experience this struggle as students. The methods used in gathering data are survey questionnaires where the researchers randomly selected 50 Grade 12 Accountancy, Business, and Management students who have experienced participating in different extracurricular activities. The results of this study revealed that extracurricular activities have positive effects on the academic performance of the Grade 12 Accountancy Business and Management Students in terms of the following: (1) Written Works –students can still review for their exams and quizzes; (2) Attendance –students can still attend classes and also cope with the lessons; (3) Performance Task –students can still comply with their requirements such as submitting projects on time. The results showed that despite being active in different extracurricular activities, students can still balance their time doing both non-academic and academic activities. The researchers recommend the following: to teachers, they can acknowledge students who participate in extracurricular activities for representing the school and to school administrators, they can enlighten teachers to acknowledge these activities as part of the learning experience of the students. As for the students, they should practice prioritizing and managing their time for work and studies.



How to Cite

Perez, C. A. ., Deotoy, M. E. ., Varron, R., Macasinag, J. ., Tomenio, J. ., & Perfecto, M. G. A. . (2019). The Effects of Extracurricular Activities in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students of Bestlink College of the Philippines School Year 2018-2019: Basis for a Proposed Action Plan. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1). Retrieved from

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