Analysis of Children in Conflict With the Law in Barangay 185 Adminstration Tala Caloocan

Vol.4, No.1


  • Arian Marie De Dios Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Dina Mae Baclao Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Drew Shasney Palang Bestlink College of the Philippines


Social Sciences


This research study was conducted to determine the factors that contributed to the child's
criminal behavior that causes a tendency to commit certain crimes in the community because
of the environmental factors and social circumstances that affect their behavior to be
aggressive and opposite, compared to normal behavior. This study included examining the
socio-economic factors such as determining the educational background of a child in conflict
with the law if he or she provided an adequate education before he or she committed a certain
crime, and also his or her economic factors, including poverty that had a huge impact and
caused to commit a crime, the researcher also examining the physical and mental condition of
the child in conflict with the law (CICL). Aside from the participation of children in conflict with
the law (CICL) in the study being conducted, the parents’ participation also included
determining if the parents were provided the rights of a child to have adequate resources.

The results showed that the personal factors, social factors, and environmental factors in the
assessment of causes of juvenile delinquency were interpreted as agree and strongly agree.
However, the problems encountered by the government in implementing the juvenile justice
system against children in conflict with the law in a proactive approach, reactive approach,
and crime rate were interpreted as strongly agree. Furthermore, recommendations were
made, such as developing measures, implementing preventive measures, and strengthening
community-based programs.

The researcher distributed and formulated the set of instruments to gather the data from the
group of respondents that comprised children in conflict with the law (CICL) and parents
residing in Barangay 186 Admi Tala, Caloocan City. The researcher used the purposive
sampling technique because of the certain participation of the respondents needed, and they
have knowledge about the facts and circumstances that the research study needed upon
goals and objectives.



How to Cite

De Dios, A. M. ., Baclao, D. M. ., & Palang, D. S. . (2024). Analysis of Children in Conflict With the Law in Barangay 185 Adminstration Tala Caloocan: Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from