Grade 12 HUMSS Student Research Competencies and Attitude Basis for Research Training Program

Vol.3, No.1D


  • Jennyeth Barcenas Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jeffrey Fabrigas Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Kyla Lebrilla
  • Jade Japson Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Dhennise Quiambao Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jayson Semana Bestlink College of the Philippines


Research, Competencies, Attitude, HUMSS, BCP


Research Project or Training Program is one of the academic activities to be conducted by the graduating students to perform their knowledge and skills to gain a new idea and solution to a phenomenal problem or issue in a society. At this point, the responses of both researchers and respondents in terms of competencies and attitudes greatly impact conducting a study.


This research study aims to determine the attitude and competencies of the selected Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students of Bestlink College of the Philippines

 in doing a study and also the factors affecting them while conducting. The Researchers used a descriptive method as a research design. The instruments used are surveys and questionnaires for the data gathering. The Researchers also searched for the related Literature and Studies to support the research. Random sampling was used to select respondents for this study. Based on the recommendations agreed by the Respondents, the institution should have provided a research seminar for the student before conducting a research study. The institution should also provide research seminar for the teacher to be efficient in teaching the Research subject, conduct pre-department workshops focused on discipline-specific research, Continue the Research Festival to develop a positive outlook on research and Provide research workshop that transfers skills necessary for wider preparation for conducting research are the things to be done to enhance the competencies and attitudes of the students towards research. 


The Researchers concluded that the study must be S.M.A.R.T. Researchers must be cooperative to avoid gaps and for the betterment of the study. Attitude and Competencies of the students have a huge impact on the study's outcome. Good communication leads a study to successfully gain new knowledge for future researchers and Studies.




How to Cite

Barcenas, J. ., Fabrigas, J. ., Lebrilla, K. ., Japson, J. ., Quiambao, D. ., & Semana, J. . (2024). Grade 12 HUMSS Student Research Competencies and Attitude Basis for Research Training Program: Vol.3, No.1D. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1D). Retrieved from