Wheelchair Escalator


  • Don John Cruz
  • Jhon Jheric Estrella
  • Jesus Leonardo
  • Edmond Manzon
  • Gherald Suba
  • Reynold Bangalisan


disability, wheelchair, escalator


The technologies are upgrading, but the are some problems that researchers are not paying attention to in terms of people with disability that are on a wheelchair. Because of their condition, some establishments’ observation is not necessary. Therefore, this study was conducted to solve this problem. The researchers improved the benefits of the escalator not only for the normal people but also for the people with disability that are carried by a wheelchair. The research method utilized in this study was experimental research. The respondents of the study were 5 electrical engineers and 11 4th-year Mechanical Engineering students of St. John College to test the significant differences in the level of acceptability of the product in terms of materials used, procedural methodology, mechanism, capacity voltage, speed, and presentation. The following procedures were followed: make a sketch of the escalator plan to make sure that all parts of your escalator are guided., prepare all materialsand equipment to start the procedures, draw all parts on the cardboard guided by your sketch to make it a real model, cut the body part of your escalator design in the cardboard by using a cutter, assemble the body of the escalator guided by your design sketch to make sure that the size is correct, make a mechanical movement guided by your sketch, make a chain by using the bearings to all steps in your escalator to guide the stairs and make a cycle, cut a stair in your cardboard, put in the chain you made and make sure the stairs and the chain you are the same size, and use batteries to give power on the dynamo and put it in the chain to see your escalator plan is work. Based on the gathered data, electrical engineers obtained an overall weighted mean of 3.10, which was interpreted as acceptable with a variance of 0.015, while 4th-year Mechanical Engineering students obtained an overall weighted mean of 2.98, which was interpreted as acceptable with a variance of 0.008. Both groups of respondents obtained a t-computed value of 3.00 and a degree of freedom of 14 with the value of 2.977. The t-computed value was greater than the t-critical value. Hence, the assessments of the two groups of respondents are acceptable. This result indicated that the difference between the assessments of electrical engineers and 4th-year Mechanical Engineering students was not significant. For further improvement of this project, the respondents recommended using expensive materials for durability. In terms of the procedure, the respondents relayed the method by doing the project and the measure guided by the floor plan. Lastly, in terms of capacity voltage, the respondents recommended using a 9 V battery for lasting effect.



How to Cite

Cruz, D. J. ., Estrella, J. J. ., Leonardo, J. ., Manzon, E. ., Suba, G. ., & Bangalisan, R. . (2020). Wheelchair Escalator. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aaresearchindex.com/index.php/aasgbcpjmra/article/view/1796