Impact of Learning Styles and Academic Performance of First-Year Psychology Students in Bestlink College of the Philippines
Vol.4, No.1
Learning styles refer to the different ways in which individuals acquire and process
information. Academic performance, on the other hand, is the measure of an individual's
achievement in an educational setting. There have been numerous studies on the relationship
between learning styles and academic performance. Some studies suggest that students who
are aware of their preferred learning style tend to perform better academically. However, other
studies have shown no significant correlation between learning styles and academic
The results of this study found that most of them are Kinesthetic Learners. In addition, their
mode of preference is also unimodal, respectively. This study provided a proposal output for
the learning style strategies project. In conclusion to this study, first-year psychology students
have a significant relationship with the impact of learning styles and academic performance.
It is important to note that academic performance is influenced by various factors, such as the
quality of teaching, motivation, and socioeconomic status, among others. Therefore, it is
difficult to attribute academic success or failure solely to learning styles. Nonetheless,
understanding one's preferred learning style can aid in the selection of appropriate learning
strategies that can improve academic performance.