Transport Network Vehicle Service: Administrative (Legal Management, Document Management, Visitor Management, Facility Reservation, User Management)

Vol.4, No.1


  • Kyle Cedric Asis Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Cedric Parado Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Rainer Rafael Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Kent Rillo Bestlink College of the Philippines


IT & Management


Transport Network Vehicle Service offers transport solutions by linking passengers to private
vehicles to book rides online, cutting wait times for traditional options and saving time and
energy by avoiding fare negotiations. The system focuses on the Administrative module that
acts as the company’s backbone and is needed by all businesses. The Administrative module
acts as a public liaison and handles issues raised by higher management. This includes
various duties related to managing and overseeing operations and implementing policies in
areas such as core transactions, finance, human resources, and logistics. It focuses on
managing users, assisting visitors, handling documents, booking facilities, and internal legal
action. Each part is vital to the ongoing company growth.

Key findings from the study cover functionality, security, and performance. The system meets
user experience and usability. It offers strong security against risks and ensures data integrity
and privacy. The system shows an improved user experience, indicating potential for future
progress and usage of similar systems.

From the results, a few insights arise about the system’s functionality, security, and
performance. The system effectively improves its key features like case handling, document
control and archiving, visitor supervision, facility tracking, account managing, and addressing
project requirements and user needs. For security, the administrative is capable of managing
the company's records and employee data, needing tough protection and security measures
to avoid data loss. The system uses password hashing, encryption, user data security, and
privacy assurance to prevent unwanted access effectively. Performance improvements such
as a clean interface, responsiveness, and resource efficiency have led to better user
experience, indicating the success of optimization efforts in improving its overall performance.



How to Cite

Asis, K. C. ., Parado, C. ., Rafael, R. ., & Rillo, K. . (2024). Transport Network Vehicle Service: Administrative (Legal Management, Document Management, Visitor Management, Facility Reservation, User Management): Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from