Inventory Management System for Motorcycle Dealers

Vol.4, No.1


  • Deldan Benedict Torzar Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Mark Joseph Gumahung Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Rachelle Orjalo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • John Carlo Avenido Bestlink College of the Philippines


IT & Management


This research study, Titled Inventory Management System for Motorcycle Dealer Control,
helps motorcycle dealers monitor how much stock is needed to order in real-time data. It also
tracks inventory from purchase to sale of goods in Inventory System Management.

The developers identified the serious flaws and calculated the costs in the early phases.
Analyzed what is needed after reviewing to find the models and business principles that are
applicable. During the development of software implementation in manageable pieces,
functional testing is used. The preceding phase's units must all be merged, and after
integration, the entire system must be tested for flaws.

Inventory management involves close monitoring of stock items and inventory. Controlling the
movement of products from producers to warehouses and ultimately to retail locations. It is a
crucial component of supply chain management and assists in keeping track of every new or
returned item that enters or exits a warehouse or point of sale. Whether a firm is small or large,
it can employ one of the many various inventory management strategies.



How to Cite

Torzar, D. B. ., Gumahung, M. J. ., Orjalo, R. ., & Avenido, J. C. . (2024). Inventory Management System for Motorcycle Dealers: Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from