School Management System 2: In Bestlink College of the Philippines - College Registrar

Vol.4, No.1


  • Lean Miguel Delica Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Alliyah Geane Del Mundo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Cesareo Gundan Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jomar Talaid Bestlink College of the Philippines


IT & Management


The School Management System: College Registrar is designed to improve school operations
by providing a user-friendly interface that minimizes errors while entering data. It offers a fast,
reliable, and secure management system that includes computerized registration, allowing the
registrar to manage student requirements and retrieve information. The system can greatly
minimize the amount of time and effort required to record student information, enrollment, and
subjects for multiple enrollments. The use of this system can assist school administration in
carrying out correct and smooth transactions and properly monitoring student records. The
project team developed this project to eliminate risks and improve the registration of student

Thus, the implementation of this project has been successful in addressing the challenges
faced by college registrars and improving the registration process for students. Through
student profiling, the college registrar will be able to manage the demands that students have
supplied, retrieve data, and record data on students, such as their enrollment in classes and
course choices, due to the capacity to automate the registration process. In multi-enrollee
circumstances, the system also includes student profiling, which allows college registrars to
manage student requirements and retrieve information quickly and accurately.

This project's primary objective was to lessen the circumstances that college registrars face.
By doing so, this proposed system will enhance the college registrar department so that it can
have a smooth and efficient transaction during the registration process. This project
integration will provide easy access to data circulating inside the school management;
therefore, it allows this project to process transactions regarding student concerns and data
such as student profiles, student grades, student requirements, and class information,
including courses, subjects, and sections.



How to Cite

Delica, L. M. ., Del Mundo, A. G. ., Gundan, C. ., & Talaid, J. . (2024). School Management System 2: In Bestlink College of the Philippines - College Registrar: Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from