Transport Network Vehicle Service Logistic 1(Project Management, Asset Management, Warehousing, Procurement)

Vol.4, No.1


  • Jhonavel Lazaro Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jayson Lebelo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jayson Sabido Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Paul Rhaniel Tolentino Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Sheryl Flororita Bestlink College of the Philippines


IT & Management


he Transport Network Vehicle Service enables passengers and private vehicles to connect
and reserve rides online. The company logistics department is responsible for storing
materials and supplies required for production, assisting businesses involved in product
manufacturing and delivery to increase sales and profitability. However, managing Logistic 1
is a significant challenge. Upon conducting the study, the project team discovered that Logistic
1 needed help with manual monitoring, incomplete Data in allocating assets, inaccurate
categorization, and difficulty searching purchase orders. It is time-consuming and extends the
project’s duration. To address this issue, the project team developed a web-based system
with enhanced features so that anyone can quickly figure out every problem that might occur.

The project team produced a web-based solution that efficiently manages logistic transactions
for TNVS by splitting the project into manageable sprints and prioritizing work based on
feedback. The proposed system comprises project management, asset management,
warehousing, and procurement managers who can immediately input all transaction
information, minimizing processing time and allowing them to easily search for and obtain their
needed files. This system saves time and leads to more advanced TNVS logistics 1,
department efficiency, and productivity.

The system will provide the organization with consistent assistance in the form of timely,
accurate logistic reports and the ability to add and update data on their recording system. Its
feature is to have the ability to monitor the ongoing project and display accurate data. It will
lessen the user's workload in managing inaccurate inventory and give timely and real-time
information about the transaction process.



How to Cite

Lazaro, J. ., Lebelo, J. ., Sabido, J. ., Tolentino, P. R. ., & Flororita, S. . (2024). Transport Network Vehicle Service Logistic 1(Project Management, Asset Management, Warehousing, Procurement): Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from