Library Management System for San Francisco High School
Vol.4, No.1
IT & ManagementAbstract
The proposed research is the library management system for San Francisco High School. The
library management system’s main goal is to aid the librarians and also the people who utilize
the library. The main purpose of this system is to do an easier Book Inventory every month
and to easily locate a book inside or outside the library in a computerized system to make the
librarian maintain the database of books that are borrowed by the members along with their
due dates.
The assumption is that if the project gets implemented, San Francisco High School will use the
system to aid the school and librarian by providing a computerized and efficient system that
could aid them when doing book inventory and tracking the borrowed books. The researchers
would like to assume that they will use the system efficiently when needed.
The library is a place where students can do their research and spend their free time. It is also
a location where book lovers spend their leisurely time reading their favorite literature. All
libraries in the school facility or community contain numerous books that encompass
knowledge about different topics in which the students or people gain answers to their
curiosity. The more people that visit the library, the harder it is to track the records inside the
library. This is where the library management system comes in.