SMS Bestlink Payment Management System

Vol.4, No.1


  • Jan Jebert Alger Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jun Ivan Mollejon Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Lyca Mae Notarte Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • John Rol de la Cruz Bestlink College of the Philippines


IT & Management


A payment management system is the process of managing payments and invoices between
a school and its students. The aim of payment management is to guarantee correct and timely
processing of all payments. Payment administration can be a challenging procedure,
particularly for schools with a large number of students, including sending payments, and can
be automated using this software. Managing payments that organizations might experience.
The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the payment management system:
Flexible in terms of payment, Time Efficient, Paperless Transaction, Faster Tracking, Fast and
Secure Technical Problems, and Technological illiteracy.
Payment Management system increases productivity by decreasing staff workload. This
software makes it easier for parents and school administrators to monitor the payments in real
-time. By synchronizing data on payment collections, the implementation of a payment
management system encourages greater participation and mobilizes your resources to
support the development of creative solutions to a variety of problems.

Our project study discusses the advantages and disadvantages of payment management,
providing information on how the process of managing payments and payment data is referred
to as payment management. It entails managing school bills, processing payments, and
balancing bank accounts. Monitoring payment history and managing refunds are also
included in payment management.



How to Cite

Alger, J. J. ., Mollejon, J. I. ., Notarte, L. M. ., & de la Cruz, J. R. (2024). SMS Bestlink Payment Management System: Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from