Factors That Influence the Professional Success of the Selected Bsais Graduates at Bestlink College of the Philippines: An Assessment
Vol.4, No.1
Professional success is defined as the sum of people's real and perceived positive
achievements as a result of their work experiences. However, there is no absolute measure of
achievement after completing the college level. Problems may occur in such situations, such
as finding job chances to put one's expertise to use.
The researchers have found that the graduates prioritized their needs before wants and
avoided financial obligations. They also enjoyed their workloads and strongly agreed that
employees should be sent to training for development. In terms of career fulfillment, the
respondents believed that their personality type, upbringing, and work-related values shaped
their professional goals. Lastly, they rated positive mastery experiences as important for
developing their self-sufficiency. The researchers propose that BSAIS graduates should work
on developing their financial literacy, time management skills, career planning, and self-
confidence to become self-sufficient learners. Additionally, the researchers suggest that the
BSAIS faculty should support the graduates in enhancing their financial literacy and engage
them in career planning to achieve their desired professional goals.
In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the factors that influence the
professional success of BSAIS graduates. The findings highlight the importance of financial
literacy, career planning, and self-sufficiency for achieving success in the accounting and
information system field. The results of this study could be used by BSAIS graduates and
faculty to develop personal development plans and strategies that will help them achieve their
professional goals. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the
factors that influence professional success and can be used to inform future research in this