Assessing the Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Sales Performance of a Food Franchising Company in Litex, Quezon City
Vol.4, No.1
The purpose of the study is to determine the consumer buying behavior towards the sales
performance of a food franchising company in Litex, Quezon City, in terms of the demographic
profile of the respondents, how may the respondents be described with their buying behavior
in terms of product choice, brand choice, purchase timing, purchase amount, and how a
buying behavior affect the sales performance of a food franchising in terms of quality of
product, pricing, customer care service, quality salesperson.
The result of the study reveals that most of the respondents to Minute Burger were female 30
or 60 percent, were 21–30 years old, 32 or 64 percent, were middle class, 22 or 44 percent,
and consumed burgers once a week, got 19 or 38 percent. In the assessment of the
consumer's buying behavior towards their consumption as "agree," 4.32. Also, in the
assessment of consumer buying behavior towards food franchising's sales performance, it is
"agree," 4.19. The most common problem encountered by the customers purchasing is that
the crew got 30 or 32 percent. There is no significant relationship between the assessment of
consumer buying behavior and the sales performance of a food franchising company. The two
variables, consumer buying behavior, and sales performance, obtained an r-value of 0.1271,
a t-stat value of 0.54, and a p-value (two-tailed) of p.05. Since the p-value (.595815) is greater
than 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted. It concludes that there is no significant relationship
between the assessment of consumer buying behavior and the sales performance of a food
franchising company.
The study advises that franchisees continuously maintain improvement processes in
businesses and use them as a guideline to increase food franchise sales performance. Crews
gravitate toward what they enjoy and are more engaged if they are participating, according to
the researchers. Rather than choosing training subjects, ask your team what they need and
want to learn. Involve your employees in the educational process as well. Consider having a
different member of the crew teach each training session. It is true that peer-taught training is
a good strategy for assisting trainees in quickly understanding concepts and applying what
they have learned to their employment.