Utilization of Learning Management System as a Learning Tool as Perceived by Grade 12 HUMSS Student: Plan for Learning Continuity

Vol.3, No.1D


  • Lenie Jill C. Acedo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Angela L. Narvasa Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Geanrose G. Oliva Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Louie Bryan C. Reyes Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • James Loyd J. Taypa Bestlink College of the Philippines


Learning Management System, Learning Tool, HUMSS, Utilization


Since the pandemic, students have been forced to adopt a new learning system that leads most students to learn in their way. The study's primary purpose is to utilise a Learning Management System (LMS) as a learning tool for Bestlink College of the Philippines students. The study wants to know how effective the Learning Management System is as a student learning tool. The researcher used a qualitative method in conducting this study. They used random sampling to gather data from 60 respondents of grade 12 Humanities and Social Science students. A Survey Questionnaire was used to gather information or data needed. The researchers conclude that most Grade 12 HUMSS students are 17-21. The challenge the respondents probably encounter in utilising the learning management system is the site's incompatibility due to the many students accessing the forum simultaneously. Having a poor internet connection can lead the students to miss the lessons or not be able to participate in online learning. As a result of this study, the researchers can say that the Learning Management System can be used satisfactorily as a learning tool for Grade 12 HUMSS students of Bestlink College of the Philippines.





How to Cite

Acedo, L. J. C. ., Narvasa, A. L. ., Oliva, G. G. ., Reyes, L. B. C. ., & Taypa, J. L. J. . (2024). Utilization of Learning Management System as a Learning Tool as Perceived by Grade 12 HUMSS Student: Plan for Learning Continuity: Vol.3, No.1D. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1D). Retrieved from https://ojs.aaresearchindex.com/index.php/aasgbcpjmra/article/view/13347