Motional Intelligence and Teaching Efficacy: The Case of Isabela State University Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers


  • Liezl Joy Lazaro-Quilang


Evidences have shown that emotional intelligence is associated with job performance. However, emotional intelligence has not been proven to be a factor for good teaching performance. In view of this, the author correlated the emotional intelligence and teaching efficacy of mathematics pre-service teachers of Isabela State University. Forty (40) mathematics pre-service teachers from the six campuses of Isabela State University, School Year 2010-2011 were considered as subjects of the study. The emotional intelligence of the mathematics pre- service teachers was measured through the use of the EQ MapTM while their teaching efficacy was assessed through the use of the NCBTS-based rating scale to determine efficacy of pre- service teachers. The author concludes that a negative correlation exists between resilience and the domains teachers’ personality and lesson planning, and between intuition and teachers’ personality; and a positive correlation was observed between interpersonal connection and the domains content, teaching methods, classroom management and questioning skills, and between trust radius and questioning skills. Therefore, the universities should provide Mathematics pre- service teachers with programs and activities such as training courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences that would help the student teachers overcome their resilience and strengthen their interpersonal connection.



How to Cite

Lazaro-Quilang, L. J. . (2019). Motional Intelligence and Teaching Efficacy: The Case of Isabela State University Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers. SPUP International Interdisciplinary Research Conference Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from