The Significance of Using IOT Gas Leakage Detector and Warning Generator Using Arduino Uno and GSM Module with SMS

Vol.3, No.1A


  • Airis C. Luangco Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Hentol T. Toledo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Ivy P. Caldito Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Christian DM. Rilloma Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Harzel J. Mingote Bestlink College of the Philippines


A gas detector sends an alarm to operators where a leak is, allowing them to leave. This type of device is important because some gases harm humans and animals. Gas detectors can detect explosive, flammable, toxic gases and oxygen depletion.

The research collected data from interviews and questionnaire surveys using Google Forms and on-site visits.

Most respondents agreed with the significance of using a gas leakage detector and that it should be implemented in Brgy. LPG is a frequent contributor to fires that claim lives and property. Therefore, preventative and security measures are needed to reduce the risks. Through technological developments, this work proposes a smart fire alarm and gas leak detector using Arduino and GSM-based modules. This tool has MQ3, SIM900a, DC Fan, LCD 20x4, GPS, and a buzzer. In an embedded device, which can convert the input data received from the sensor, the system works to detect propane, alcohol, smoke, and butane gas and then displays a message on a 20x4 LCD. The system also sends an alarm (SMS) to the registered mobile phone number. In addition to the ability to send SMS, the system also emits a sound generated by a buzzer to alert the home's residents. And a DC fan that can eliminate the surrounding gas leakage. Tests show that the system was working as intended. Given the number of incidents that have occurred due to gas leakage and the number of people who have died or been hospitalized due to gas explosions or methane pollution, the researchers are studying this research project to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Because this project can detect any type of gas leak like methane, propane, butane, smoke, and alcohol, it can alert us using the buzzer and the SMS whenever there is a gas leak, and we will not be confused or concerned because there is an exhaust fan that will remove the excess gas from the atmosphere.



How to Cite

Luangco, A. C., Toledo, H. T., Caldito, I. P., Rilloma, C. D., & Mingote, H. J. (2024). The Significance of Using IOT Gas Leakage Detector and Warning Generator Using Arduino Uno and GSM Module with SMS: Vol.3, No.1A. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1A). Retrieved from