In-vitro anticoagulant property of sargassum confusum f. Validum


  • Victoria Bianca B. Acorda, RMT
  • Jay Andrea Vea D. Israel, RMT, MPH
  • Jolina P. Aspiros, RMT
  • Hannah Lisette A. Bassig, RMT
  • Lorisa Anjelin M. Lua, RMT
  • Marixie Kane Q. Mallonga, RMT
  • Jose Felipe P. Pajarillo, RMT


anticoagulant, algae, hematology, chemistry


The study sought to determine the in-vitro anticoagulant
property of Sargassum confusum f. validum extract compared to EDTA
and Heparin. The study used experimental laboratory based research
design. The algae were air dried, milled and treated with 85% ethanol.
A 100% extract was used. A blood to anticoagulant ratio of 1:1 until
1:9 was utilized. EDTA was used as a positive control for hematologic
studies and Heparin was also used as positive control for chemistry
analyses. Test for hematologic studies was limited to Complete
Blood Count (CBC) only. For chemistry analyses, it was limited only
to Blood Uric Acid, Creatinine, Cholesterol, AST, and ALT. For CBC
results, all ratios gave increased values for White blood cell count,
and a decreased amount for hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelet
parameters. For chemistry analyses only the creatinine values have no
significant difference compared to the positive control, for Blood Uric
Acid, Creatinine, AST, and ALT all ratios gave an increased value, and
for cholesterol all ratios gave normal values but still incomparable to
the positive control.



How to Cite

Acorda, V. B. B. ., Israel, J. A. V. D. ., Aspiros, J. P. ., Bassig, H. L. A. ., Lua, L. A. M. ., Mallonga, M. K. Q. ., & Pajarillo, J. F. P. . (2019). In-vitro anticoagulant property of sargassum confusum f. Validum . SPUP Research Digest, 21(1). Retrieved from