International Exposure of Paulinian Student Government Leaders: Ensuing Students’ Readiness for Asean Integration


  • Alma N. Quinagoran, MAED
  • Emolyn M. Iringan, Ph.D.


Student exchange, international exposure, cultural immersion, cultural exchange


This descriptive research study explored the experiences of Paulinian
student-leaders in their international exposures. The study characterized
students’ exposure as to its nature, place of exposure, frequency of exposure,
academic year occurred, and duration of exposure. Furthermore, the study
explored on the requirements complied with by the student leaders to qualify
them for international exposure, their learning experiences, their encountered
difficulties, and their suggestions to intensify students’ international exposure.
The study considered 26 participants which covered the population of student
leaders who went for international exposure for the last five years. Interview and
documentary analysis were undertaken to obtain the data. Characterization of
students’ exposure was presented using the frequency count while the interview
responses were analyzed thematically. Results of the study revealed that the
student leaders who went for international exposures come from the different
departments. Majority of them went for exposure once although 15 of them
went more than once. Most of their destinations were in Singapore and Japan.
Cultural immersion, cultural exchange, youth assembly and student exchange
program were the common themes for their exposures. Majority of their
exposure lasted for less than one (1) week and the longest duration was one (1)
year. To qualify them for the international exposures, research projects, excellent
academic standing, good communication skills and leadership skills were the
common requirements. Through the international exposure, the participants
claimed that they were able to learn how to deal with people, adapt and respect
other cultures, enhanced culture awareness and sensitivity and acquired social
values, open-mindedness. They find dealing with non-English speakers difficult
brought about by communication barriers. To enhance students’ readiness
for ASEAN Integration, early exposure of freshmen students to international
immersions, the integration of culture awareness in related courses and relevant
school activities that promotes cultural awareness were suggested. As an
offshoot of the study, a plan of action was formulated to strengthen students’
international exposures.



How to Cite

Quinagoran, A. N. ., & Iringan, E. M. (2019). International Exposure of Paulinian Student Government Leaders: Ensuing Students’ Readiness for Asean Integration. SPUP Research Digest, 18(1). Retrieved from