School Management System - BCPams (Academic Management System)

Vol.4, No.1


  • Ayessa Faye Alabin Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Emmanuel Golo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Christine Nazareno Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Mark Ferdinand Ortiaga Bestlink College of the Philippines


Computer Science, Engineering


The School Management System - BCPMAS (Academic Management System) Project
proposed to make the work of School Academic Management more efficient in Scheduling
and Grade managing the student records of a school in Bestlink College of the Philippines
(BCP). The Academic Management system's goal is to make the transactions easier for users
like Admin, Program heads, Strand Heads, and Dean. This system will help them manage
every transaction in the specific management more efficiently.

Throughout the development process, the team saw several opportunities to create a better
and more unique system for department heads and users.

Academic Management System is a Web-based system that can manage School
Management, Faculty List Reports, Grade management, and Report Monitoring. The
students, teachers, and supporting learning activities and modalities are the primary focus of
the BCPAMS Project.



How to Cite

Alabin, A. F. ., Golo, E. ., Nazareno, C. ., & Ortiaga, M. F. . (2024). School Management System - BCPams (Academic Management System): Vol.4, No.1. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 4(1). Retrieved from