Service Management System Finance (Ap/Ar, Collection, General Ledger, Disbursement, Budget Management)

Vol. 3, No. 2


  • Kevin Charles Caadan Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jomari D. Julapong Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Emmanuel M. Maglente Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Sheila Marie B. Pampanga Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Mia Joyce A. Radecilla Bestlink College of the Philippines


A service management system that uses a modular system that covers almost all aspects of a service-oriented corporation to understand the level of process maturity required to become a service-oriented corporation. In our current state of living, most of our finances are still handled manually, based on the employees interviewed by different companies. The process of sending data and receiving a receipt from the client is entirely manual. In this scenario, financial reports can be outdated because of a lack of knowledge about modernization. Furthermore, some information recorded can't be easily found due to manually sorting files by storing them in folders, etc. It causes the management to have a problem finding the documents and is time-consuming, so as a result, some reports can be delayed. Based on Brigman (2007), in these articles, they discuss the 5th edition and how companies are increasingly employing the financial system. a computer as they are made, and the financial balance is constantly revised. When the recorded point is reached, the computer automatically places an order. When this new order is received, the recorded balance is increased. Retail stores have carried this system quite far. Rather than putting yourself through trials, the Service Management System Finance group proposed a well-founded system to make life easier in a work field. The group developed a system that can generate reports and access records, which can save you time and effort.

The project was managed using the Agile methodology, which was split up into multiple parts by the proponents. It entails regular collaboration with our stakeholders as well as ongoing development at every stage. The proponents proceed through the planning, execution, evaluation, and maintenance processes after the construction begins. The researchers discovered that using this strategy made it simpler to construct the Service Management System by collaborating with both team members and project stakeholders throughout the research project.

Since the entire system is adapted to the needs of the clients, the outcome is a quality system that fits their needs. In agile development, the Service Management System Finance is developed through many sprints. All sprints are pervaded by planning, designing, testing, and releasing. After each sprint, the project is presented to stakeholders for use and feedback. All system updates requested by the clients will be accepted and executed for the next sprint's development. This methodology requires stakeholder participation throughout the project. As a result, the researchers have created automatic file records. This system will help the company easily download records and manage files efficiently. The method is very useful in assisting with the need for finance to reduce business workload and prevent the entry of staff.

In this research, the researcher will focus on developing a Web site for the administration and staff. The main objective of this system is to provide better performance regarding financial records. This Web site development will be used by the administration and finance departments for the processing of the reports, monitoring, generating financial reports, and acting on every request and requirement submitted by each employee and staff member. The newly developed system is a big help to the company, especially now that most of the company relies on manual input and report generation. 



How to Cite

Caadan, K. C., Julapong, J. D., Maglente, E. M., Pampanga, S. M. B., & Radecilla, M. J. A. (2024). Service Management System Finance (Ap/Ar, Collection, General Ledger, Disbursement, Budget Management): Vol. 3, No. 2. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(2). Retrieved from