Effect of Family Issues on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS Students in Bestlink College of the Philippines During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Vol.3, No.1D


  • Arriadna Barrientos Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Courtney Love B. Bianzon Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jane M. Shakira Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • John Vincent L. Cao Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Arthur Cristino Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Jennylyn S. Soriano Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Rujem C. Yaras Bestlink College of the Philippines


Education has played a vital role amidst the pandemic. Due to the current situation, the livelihood of many people was affected, and some encountered the family issue. The family issue was the disagreements between each member of the family. Additionally, this issue was inevitable and worsened during the pandemic, affecting the students' academic performance in the family. On the other hand, this study aims to provide attainable solutions to all parents, especially students, to overcome and deal with the effects of the family issue on the academic performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students in Bestlink College of the Philippines during the pandemic. 


The researchers employed a Qualitative method and Descriptive Research Design to analyze the gathered data. The sampling technique used by the researchers in this study was Convenience Sampling, where the respondents are available and willing to participate to complete the study. Moreover, the instrument used was the Survey Questionnaire to collect and identify how much the respondents agreed with the statements constructed by the researchers. 


Based on the gathered data, the respondents “strongly agree.” It proves that family issues affect the academic performance of Grade 12 HUMSS students in BCP. The majority experience irritation and exhibit frequent absences in terms of the attendance of the respondents. In addition, the respondents experience a lack of motivation to achieve good scores in assessments and have difficulty concentrating and accomplishing their performance tasks and written work. However, the researchers provided recommendations to overcome the family issue affecting the excellence of the students in academics. The parents must provide for the needs of their child/children, especially in academics, to motivate their children in participating class discussions. In addition, communication is the key to a healthy relationship between family members. This study may benefit the parents and teachers to have knowledge and awareness and take action to help the students overcome their problems due to family issue that affects their academic performance during the pandemic. They must encourage and support the students to improve their academics and everyday lives.




How to Cite

Barrientos, A. ., Bianzon, C. L. B. ., Shakira, J. M. ., Cao, J. V. L. ., Cristino, A. ., Soriano, J. S. ., & Yaras, R. C. . (2024). Effect of Family Issues on the Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS Students in Bestlink College of the Philippines During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Vol.3, No.1D. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1D). Retrieved from https://ojs.aaresearchindex.com/index.php/aasgbcpjmra/article/view/13259