Impact of Online Classes on Student’s Mental Health as Perceived by BS Criminology 4th Year Students at BCP Bulacan: Basis for Intervention

Vol.3, No.1C


  • Davin B. Cahucom Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Janferson D. Beriño Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Dan Patrick T. Maximo Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Joshua Y. Mesada Bestlink College of the Philippines
  • Joey S. Ocbina Bestlink College of the Philippines



This study focused on the impact of online classes on student’s mental health as perceived by Bs Criminology 4th year students at BCP Bulacan: basis for intervention among the 4th year college student in Bestlink College of the Philippines Bulacan during the school year 2021-2022. The study's respondent is sampled through a random convenience sampling technique based on the selected sample representing the target population. 


There has been much discussion around student mental health in higher education in recent years, as research shows that mental health difficulties have a serious effect on students’ attainment, progression, and study outcomes (Evans et al., 2018; Hughes & Spanner, 2019; Sick et al., 2019; Thorley, 2017). Students experiencing mental health difficulties are less likely to complete and pass a course or module (Mojtabai et al., 2015; Richardson, 2015). Student’s mental health can hinder learning. Given the increased reports of mental health concerns among college students, we must understand how best to support this population to help them learn and succeed. This is particularly significant given the research demonstrating how mental health illness may negatively affect students’ success and persistence. To best serve this growing population, possible supports can be provided in the classroom embedded into the current practices and learning opportunities for all students across the board. This article addresses the connections between learning and mental health, practical takeaways for practitioners, and directions for future research.


This is particularly significant given the research demonstrating how mental health illness may negatively affect students’ success and persistence. To best serve this growing population, possible supports can be provided in the classroom embedded into the current practices and learning opportunities for all students across the board. This article addresses the connections between learning and mental health, practical takeaways for practitioners, and directions for future research.


The researchers used the descriptive research design describing data and characteristics of the population or phenomenon being studied. Also, descriptive research answers the question. This research design helps gather the data needed to answer the statement of the problem of the study.


To obtain the needed data in this study, the researcher will use self-made questionnaires via Google Forms to conduct the study.


The study concluded that based on the demographic profile of the respondents’ students at BCP Bulacan Campus, the majority of the respondents came from the age bracket 18-26 years old, Male and female, single and college level in the assessment, the college students are much vulnerable in mental health problems. As assessed, the students agree about the impact of online classes on students’ mental health in terms of stress, anxiety, and depression. As attested by the respondents, the recommendations proposed by the researchers to avoid mental health problems were rated as highly recommended. 


The review findings indicate that various mental health interventions can be implemented effectively in a range of Students' mental health. The school administration can use these interventions for their students by bringing counselling sessions to understand their mental health issues better and control them before they worsen.



How to Cite

Cahucom, D. B. ., Beriño, J. D. ., Maximo, D. P. T. ., Mesada, J. Y. ., & Ocbina, J. S. . (2024). Impact of Online Classes on Student’s Mental Health as Perceived by BS Criminology 4th Year Students at BCP Bulacan: Basis for Intervention: Vol.3, No.1C. Ascendens Asia Singapore – Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1C). Retrieved from