Banking Management System – Logistic 1 (Project Management, Asset Management, Warehousing, Procurement)
Vol.3, No.1B
Philtransure's business case for the Transport Network Vehicle System (TNVS) outlines the project's benefits, recommendations, and reasoning and how it will address current business challenges. The case also details project goals, performance indicators, assumptions, constraints, and alternative options. Logistics I is essential for supply chain success, aiding businesses in manufacturing, warehousing, and delivery to increase sales and profitability. Even a small error in logistics can lead to production delays and financial losses.
An agile methodology designed for rapid development was used to create the proposed system. This approach involves Requirement Analysis, Design Document, Prototype, Iteration, Demo and Feedback, detecting faults, resolving issues, and Production and Technical Support. This methodology is commonly used and highly recommended for guiding the development team towards their output system. Users can connect and interact with other departments for transaction and information needs. Transparency is necessary for users to conduct and rely on other departments.