Leadership Styles, Management Competencies, and Leadership Effectiveness of Filipino School Administrators in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs): Basis for Management Development Program


  • Dr. James D. Marshall, APR, FRIEdr


management, leadership styles, management competencies, leadership effectiveness, Filipino school administrators, higher educational institutions, management development program


The main purpose of the study is to assess the leadership style, management competencies, and leadership effectiveness of Filipino school administrators in higher educational institutions basis for management development program. Descriptive method of the study was utilized with four (4) questionnaires as the instruments in securing the desired data. Focusing on the Directive Leadership Style, the highest mean achieved “always” was rated by the Filipino school administrators “School Administrator explains the level of performance that expected to subordinates. While, Supportive Leadership Style the highest mean achieved “always” which is rated by the Filipino school administrators pertains that “School Administrator consults with subordinates when facing a problem”. Participative Leadership Style, the highest mean achieved interpreted “always” rated by the school administrators pertains to two of the questions namely, “ School Administrator acts without consulting his/her subordinates and “School Administrator helps subordinates overcome problems that stop them from carrying out their task”. In the Achievement-Oriented Leadership Style, the highest mean achieved interpreted “always” pertains to “School Administrator sets goals for subordinates’ performance that are challenge”. Focusing on the Management Competencies, the highest mean achieved interpreted “highly competent” pertains to “calculates objectivity and fairly the performance”.” wh ile in Human Relation Competencies, the highest mean achieved interpreted “highly competent” pertaining to “Respect individuals’ personality”. In the Conceptual Competencies,the highest mean achieved interpreted” highly competent” “Plans together with all members of the school with the instructional”. In the Leadership effectiveness on Directive Leadership Effectiveness, “School Administrator explains methods and set”. While in Supportive Leadership Effectiveness, the highest mean achieved “School Administrator concerns for the feelings of others” On the Participative Leadership Effectiveness, the highest mean pertaining to “School Administrator consults others to get their ideas and suggestions”. While in Reward-Punishment Leadership Effectiveness, the highest mean achieved interpreted “School Administrator compliments those who do a good job”.

