The Patience andPsychological Well-Being of Millennials: A Basis for a Counselling Program


  • Gladys Canillo


patience, psychological well-being, Millennial


Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances, a tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance or anger and self-control when under strain, while psychological wellbeing occurs when mental disorders and presence are absent of positive states. Given the challenges of living a meaningful life in a fast-paced world, this researched aimed to discover the relationship between patience and psychological wellbeing of the millennials as a basis for the counseling program. Respondents involved were 175 millennials, with age ranges from 19 to 36 years old in the year 2018, both male or female, and residing within Metro Manila. Convenience and purposive sampling technique were applied. The instrument used as follows; to measure the level of patience, the researcher used 3 –Factor Patience Scale by Dr. Sarah Schnitker, and for the dimensions of psychological wellbeing Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being by Dr. Carol Ryff was used. Results revealed that there is a moderately strong correlation between patience and mental wellbeing on the following dimensions and factors: for the psychological wellbeing; environmental mastery; positive relations; and self-acceptance; then for patience is the daily hassles and life hardship. With an overall weighted mean of 3.65 on patience with a verbal interpretation of likely to be patience, while 4.30 as the overall weighted mean on psychological wellbeing which denotes as above average. Overall scores signify that the respondents of the study are very likely to be patient and have high mental wellbeing. The recommended counseling program included different session activities that target to strengthen their three focus areas: patience in daily hassle, autonomy, and environmental mastery. For the millennials to cultivate patience in regular trouble they need to attend series of a counseling session with the following activities: develop deep breathing techniques, practice mindfulness, overcome negative thoughts and shift to positive thinking, strengthen compassion, use willful approach, encourage to accept the emotion, and cultivate self-patience. For the millennials to promote autonomy and environmental mastery with realistic action steps in achieving healthy psychological wellbeing, recommended activities are the following: analyzing oneself, seeing self from a different perspective, and creating safe space.

