The Quality of Human Relations Practices of the School Administrators in the Division of Quezon: A Basis for an Enhancement Program


  • Kris Anne A. Almira


public relations , enhancement program , practices , quality, problems


The study was conducted to enhance the quality of human relations practices of the school administrators in the Division of Quezon. The researcher used the gathered data as the basis for an enhancement program of human relations practices of the school administrators. The study employed a descriptive-comparative type of research. The respondents of the study were the school administrators and the public elementary school teachers. The school administrators and teachers have direct connections with the community and other agencies in giving the schools all that is due to it. They are the ones to provide light to the study since they are the ones creating human relations to where the school is established. Based on the findings, most of the school administrators' respondents were 41 to 50 years old with the frequency of 41 (46.07%), and the majority of them were female with the frequency of 57 (64.04%). In terms of teachers as respondents, most of them were 41 to 50 years with the frequency of 109 (36.09%), and the majority of them were female with a frequency of 202 (66.89%). While in terms of civil status of the school administrators, majority of them are married with a frequency of 85 (95.51%) and most of them were serving the school for 11 to 20 years with a frequency of 43 (48.31%). On the other hand, the majority of the teacher's respondents were married with the frequency of 224(74.17%) and serving the school 11 to 20 years with the frequency of 85 (28.15%). Moreover, most of the respondents were master’s degree holder with a frequency of 70 (78.65%), and the majority of the school administrators were principal with a frequency of 89 (100%) while the teachers' respondents were mostly Teacher II with a frequency of 107 (35.43%). The quality of human relation practices of the school administrators in the first congressional district of Quezon was very good in terms of Trust, then Exchange Relationship, next was Commitment, followed by Control Mutuality, then Satisfaction, and lastly was Communal Relationship. This implied that the problems encountered in handling good public relations practices in the school were rated as "disagree." Based on the conclusion, it was recommended that pursuing the graduate school program for teachers will help them to attain their professional growth and potential that will help the school administrators in serving the school.

