The Perceptions for Probiotic Foods and Drugs in the Philippines: A Review


  • Ronald C. Palacio


probiotics, food supplement, consumer, attitude, perception, market, Philippines


The use of probiotics has been gradually increasing in the last decades worldwide. Probiotic products are significantly gaining popularity with consumers because of a reinforced awareness of the link between health, nutrition, and diet. Probiotics and other comparable products that advance medical benefits have gotten help because of the increasing consumer interest for such products that avoid the beginning of stomach related afflictions and improve the immune system. Along these lines, one of the essential purposes for the development of the greater probiotics market is the improved efficiency of the ingredients that gives the products their bio-therapeutic properties (Viana et al., 2008). In the Philippines, the total dietary supplements market valued at Php 10.8 billion and increases by 6%. The probiotic supplements saw the most substantial growth in nutritional supplements with a value increase of 23% in 2018 wherein more brands offer probiotic supplement, although it was rising from a low base (Euromonitor, 2019). The study aimed to evaluate consumers' perceptions, acceptance, and attitudes towards probiotic foods and drugs in the Philippines. A total of four hundred individuals partook in this examination: somewhere in the range of 20 and 60 years. Results showed that socio-demographic characteristics, for example, age, education level, and salary level are significant markers of consumers' awareness and consumption of probiotics.

