Technology-Aided Instruction on Dyslexic Children: The Intervention-Motivation-Utilization Theory


  • Ivy Jane S. Asilo Bohol State University


technology aided instruction, dyslexia, dyslexic learners


The paper focuses on implementing technology-aided instruction for dyslexic children to develop a theory that would benefit children with dyslexia. Technology is considered an intervention that would help in their development. This paper will use the axiomatic deductive approach in theory generation, following the steps of Padua (2012). In the conduct of analyzing research articles, journals, and works of literature, there four axioms were created: (1) Technology Aided Instruction allows dyslexic learners to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities; (2) Technology Aided Instruction sustains dyslexic learners' motivation and classroom engagement; (3) Technology Aided Instruction provides customization on the learning process of dyslexic learners; (4) Technology Aided Instruction facilitates the development of dyslexic learners' deficiency.

The four hypotheses led the researchers in the formulation of six propositions; Technology aided instruction for dyslexic learners (1) cater unique abilities of dyslexic learners; (2) provide clear and straightforward navigations; (3) provide a reward system right after accomplishing a task; (4) make all learning fun and exciting; (5) provide thought-provoking activities; (6) provide variation of tasks and activities. These propositions motivated the researcher to generate the Intervention-Motivation-Utilization Theory on Technology-Aided Instruction of Dyslexic Children. This theory emphasizes the understanding of the use of technology in the instruction of dyslexic learners. In contrast, intervention, motivation, and utilization are essential for successfully providing a conducive teaching and learning environment.

