The Recruitment and Training Practices of a Health and Beauty Network Marketing Company in Singapore




Networking, beauty, recruitment and training practices


The Problem
This study was undertaken to evaluate the recruitment and training practices of a Health and Beauty Network Marketing Company in Singapore.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study
The respondents of the study were 385 distributors from Singapore of the subject network marketing company who are actively engaged in the business’ South Asia Pacific Region operations.
A limitation initially thought of is how well the participants represent the typical network marketing participants.Further delimitation is that in order to obtain a more accurate response, the ideal situation would be to have respondents from different types of network marketing businesses. This would allow the stratification of the respondents by type of business.

Research Methodology
The researcher employed the descriptive method of research in order to comprehensively analyze the problems as it delved to collect significant information about the effectiveness and impact of the recruiting and training practices of the network marketing distributors. Through the survey questionnaire, the researcher used the data collected in describing, documenting, analyzing and interpreting the results to validate the hypotheses. 385 respondents were randomly selected from the independent distributors in Singapore who are actively engaging in various sales and marketing activities conducted to enhance and develop their own network spheres.As to descriptive statistics, frequency and percentage distribution, mean rating scales, paired sample t-test and normal distribution were used. As to inferential statistics, analysis of variancewas utilized to measure which among the recruitment and training practices have significant relationship with the satisfaction of respondents.

Findings and Conclusions
Based on the findings generated from the data gathered, the researcher has drawn the following conclusions:
1.0 Most of the respondents belonged to the 40 to 49 years age group, females, and are married. Majority are Bachelor’s Degree holders whose main source of income is the network marketing business, with less than one year experience as a distributor.
2.0 Regardless of the respondents’ age, gender, civil status, highest level of educational attainment, main source of income, average monthly income, and number of years of being a network marketing distributor, majority moderately agreed on the Recruitment and Training Practices of the Health and Beauty Network Marketing Company.
3.0 Consequently, respondents moderately agreed on their level of satisfaction as a network marketing distributor regardless of their age, gender, civil status, highest level of educational attainment, main source of income, average monthly income, and number of years of being a network marketing distributor.
4.0 Overall, the respondents’ evaluation of the recruitment and training practices of the subject Health and Beauty Network Marketing Company did not differ significantly when they were grouped according to their age, gender, and civil status. Significant differences in their evaluation were found, however, when they were grouped according to their highest educational attainment, main source of income, average monthly income, and the number of years they had been network marketing distributors. Respondents with higher educational attainment, whose main source of income is the network marketing business, earning higher monthly income, and with longer years of experience as distributors had a higher evaluation of the recruitment and training practices of the Health and Beauty Network Marketing Company.
5.0 Furthermore, respondents’ level of satisfaction showed no significant difference when grouped according to the respondents’ age and civil status. When grouped according to their gender, highest level of educational attainment, main source of income, average monthly income, and number of years of being a network marketing distributor, significant differences in their level of satisfaction were found.
6.0 As reported by the respondents, pricing ranked as the most encountered problem in recruiting and training practices of the network marketing company. An improvement on product knowledge ranked second, followed by problems on selling and sales promotion where respondents reported a lack of sales training. As for problems encountered on distribution network, difficulty to grow network ranked first. The least encountered problem the respondents reported was on customer relationship. As for the problems encountered by the network marketing company in terms of training, lack of adequate training ranked first.

