Extent of Stakeholder's Participation in Bukal Elementary School, Padre Garcia Batangas: Its Effect on the School's Performance


  • Mary Jane Hernandez


stakeholders, participation, performance, parents, students, teachers, school administration, policy maker



Stakeholders’ participation is very important for the purpose of increasing literacy rates among students. But there are many factors that affect the enrollment rate of the students especially when parents, students, teachers, school administration and policy makers do not contribute efforts adequately. This leads to low quality education and low literacy rate. Thus, adequate participation of the stakeholders is the ultimate prerequisite for the attainment of high literacy rate. In addition, learning programs must ensure the sustainability ofthe projects through the active participation of the stakeholders.



The descriptive type of research through survey was applied in the study. According to Viscara (2009), the descriptive research method was designed to gather information on people and about present existing conditions. It will also describe and interpret the conditions or relationships that will exist, beliefs being held, effects that will be observed, and effects that will be developed. The researcher's constructed questionnaire was used as the main data gathering instrument. It was validated through a pilot test of the questionnaire.



Stakeholders are those who may be affected by or have effects on effort. They may also include people who have strong interest in effort for academic reasons even though they and their families, friends, and associates are not directly affected by it. Interest in an effort or organization could just be intellectually-and academically-motivated attention. Stakeholders are generally said to have interest in an effort or organization based on whether they can affect or be affected by it. The more they stand to benefit or lose, the stronger their interest is likely to be. The more heavily involved they are in the effort or organization, the stronger their interest is as well.



The research suggests that stakeholders’ participation in school brings positive results with regards to the performance of the school. It's important to monitor and evaluate how well stakeholders have been identified, understood, and involved in the course of an effort. It's best to involve stakeholders from the very beginning but it's never too late to learn so that work can be improved. Evaluation of the stakeholder process should be an integral part of the overall evaluation of the effort.

