Lesser Yam "Tugi" Flour by Products


  • Rina Vitaliz


lesser yam, tugi, appearance, aroma, taste, texture



The study primarily focused on the lesser yam "Tugi" flour by-products, lesser yam "Tugi" Butterscotch, Lesser Yam "Tugi" Macaroons and Lesser yam "Tugi" Okoy. It aimed to further explain Findings on the following problem areas: the procedure in making lesser yam "tugi" flour by-products such as butterscotch, macaroons and okoy, the nutritive value of lesser yam "tugi" flour based on laboratory tests, the most acceptable product, the level of acceptability of lesser yam "tugi" flour by-products as to its sensory qualities and the significant difference in the evaluation made on the level of acceptability of lesser yam "tugi" flour by-products as to their sensory qualities.


The study was primarily experimental in nature. The acceptability of lesser yam "tugi" flour by-products was determined through sensory evaluation of the five groups of evaluators composed of (20) elementary students (20) secondary students (20) college students (20) housewives and (20) professionals.


Based on the outcome of the study, the following findings were gathered (1) There are similar processes involved in preparing lesser yam "tugi" flour such as lesser yam "tugi" butterscotch, lesser yam "tugi" macaroons, and lesser yam "tugi" okoy (2) In laboratory test result carbohydrates are the major dry matter component of lesser yam "tugi" flour. Most of the carbohydrates are the major dry matter component of lesser yam "tugi" flour. Most of the carbohydrates is starch, which counts 83% dry weight of tuber, followed by 82% sugar, 0.47± 0. 68% crude protein, 5.05± 0.04% moisture content, 2.38± 0.03% ash content, 1.56± 56% crude fiber, and 0.47± 0. 68% crude fat. The starch itself is mainly amylopectin (branched chain starch) and exists in the cell as starch grains.


The criteria of appearance garnered the highest weighted mean of 4.23 interpreted as very appealing while the texture had the lowest mean of 4.07 and interpreted as fine. For the level of acceptability of macaroons, a grand mean of 4.65 was obtained. The criteria of appearance garnered the highest weighted mean of 4.83 interpreted as very appealing while the taste had the lowest mean of 4.42 interpreted as very delicious, and for the level of acceptability of the okoy, a grand mean of 4.27 was obtained. The criteria of appearance garnered the highest weighted mean of 4.23 interpreted as very-appealing, while the taste had the lowest mean of 4.19 and interpreted as fine.

