The Effectiveness of the Marungko Approach in Teaching Beginning Reading in Grade One of Kaingen-Poblacion Elementary School


  • Avelina Vales


Marungko Approach



Reading is the gateway to learning. In the everyday lesson, the researcher noticed that the learners find difficulties in reading both in English and Filipino. The researcher is very much concerned in the learner’s skills in reading. In teaching beginning reading in Grade I, the researcher found out that the pupils have difficulties in recognizing words. The researcher identified this problem of finding the causes of it. The primary purpose of this research is to gauge the effectiveness of the Marungko Approach in teaching beginning reading in Grade One of Kaingen-Poblacion Elementary School.


The study utilized an oral reading pretest-posttest design to test the effectiveness of Marungko Approach to 30 Grade One-Bonifacio pupils of Kaingen-Poblacion Elementary School. The pretest was administered in June17-21, 2018. Data gathered were recorded. After the administration of the pretest the 30 Grade One-Bonifacio pupils underwent teaching reading using Marungko Approach for 6 months. The oral reading posttest was given to pupils on November 11-15, 2018. Data gathered were also recorded to compare with the pretest.


Posttest results showed significant improvement in the reading of 30 Grade One-Bonifacio compared to the results from the pretest. From fourteen non-readers it was downed to zero. Among seven slow readers, only five remained. From three moderate readers, they were increased into twelve and from fast readers, they became thirteen. Through the results, the effectiveness of the Marungko Approach in teaching reading was proven.


The results revealed that Marungko Approach in teaching reading was effective in enhancing the reading level of the Grade One pupils of Kaingen-Poblacion Elementary School. The research study could be the basis for continues use of Marungko Approach in teaching reading in Grade One in the Future.

