The Benefits of 4p's (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program)Towards Academic Performance of Selected Senior High Students of Emiliano Tria Tirona Memorial National High School


  • Jean Michael E. Sy
  • Danica T. Caimol
  • Suzy S. Magdalaga
  • Christoper Rey Gella


Academic Performance, Conditional Cash Transfer, Financial Assistance



The conditional cash transfer (CCT) program locally known as (PantawidPamilya Pilipino Program), or 4Ps, is a government program that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor in the Philippines. The programs aim to break the cycle of poverty by keeping children aged 0-18 healthy and in school, so they can have a better future.

There are many factors, which account for the good or poor academic performance in secondary schools like; the quality of students admitted the type of scholastic materials available in the school and home environment, the methods of teaching, the nature of administration and teachers involved in academic matters.

However, it seems that the most important factor to be considered in the academic performance of students is being a 4P's member. In fact, there is no recent study conducted in ETTMNHS about the effects of 4P's to the academic performance of selected senior high students so, the study is novel.

The researchers chose this topic for research to find out the benefits of 4P's to the academic performance of selected senior high students of the said school


The researchers used Descriptive Research Design. The Grade 11 and 12 4P's benefactors are a sample of this study with 14 sections of Grade 11 and 5 sections of Grade 12. The instrument used in this research was the questionnaire. The data were collected, tabulated and interpreted using the mean and standard deviation.


Majority of the senior high school students agree that 4P's motivates themselves in going to school, pushes them to perform well in the academic activities that would lead them into the top of their class, helps them to submit all of the school requirements, provides financial assistance to buy their needs.


It is evident from the result that 4P's has a good benefit for the public school students who want to study hard to rich their dreams in life. This research would also give good realizations about the importance of financial assistance for the poor who cannot afford to send themselves into the academe.

