Computer Literacy Training for ABM Students to Meet the Technical Standards of Corporate Businesses in San Juan


  • Restie Masalunga


technical standards, corporate business, computer literacy skill



The trend towards corporate organization is evident in the Philippines, and more individual proprietorships and partnerships are turning to the corporation as a preferable form of business. In connection, this kind of business settled standards and qualifications among all aspects of the enterprise, especially in hiring its manpower. The technical standard is one of the most important among the categories. Moreover, standards have been more competitive over time, thus they required applicants with more skills to cope with modern innovations. As aspiring future applicants, the researchers, as grade 12 ABM students, sought to know the technical standards of corporate businesses in San Juan so they can prepare to acquire technical skills, specifically computer literacy from computer literacy training.



This study used an Action Research design. To know the technical standards of corporate businesses, the researchers surveyed ten corporate employees through Purposive sampling. Forty-two ABM students also participated as respondents to assess how computer literacy skills training improves students' skills to meet the technical standards of corporate businesses. The data collected was analyzed through quantitative analysis.



Respondents identified technical standards of the corporate businesses in San Juan as 1) applicants must know basic computer functions to send letters, requests, purchase, etc.; 2) applicants must know how to simplify and improve workflows; 3) applicants must be responsible in handling data and documentation. On the other hand, it is found that: 1) students spend 1-3 hours of computer usage per week; 2) they believe that through computer literacy training, their knowledge and documentation skills aligned to their future work and position will be developed; also, 3) computer literacy training make them realize technical errors.



The results demonstrate that corporate businesses require applicants' computer skills on basic commands, handling data and documentation, and simplifying workflows. Since the students spend less time in developing their computer literacy skills, improved training must be provided as they believe that this would help them qualify for their future work.

