Embedding ERP Systems Training in the Accountancy Program: Preparing for Industry Practice


  • Joannamarie Ciervo Uy


ERP systems, accountancy program, industry practice


The objective of this study is to evaluate the need for incorporating ERP systems training in the curriculum of higher educational institutions (HEIs) as part of their Accountancy program. This is to provide hands-on experience to the accountancy students through the application of computerized accounting system as an integral part of related accounting subjects. To achieve this goal, the author will gather information through literature review and one-on-one interviews with BSA graduates who have undergone ERP systems training as part of their course, and are currently working in companies using an ERP system. The respondents for this study are limited to the BSA graduates of a certain university offering ERP systems training to its students. The study will not focus on the advantages of ERP systems in the organization but on the benefit to the graduates, now employees, of getting ERP systems training from their college program, but rather, on the lived experiences of students as to their adjustments in the industry practice⎯from job application to job performance. This includes the skills and knowledge qualification requirements, industry adaptability and job performance evaluation. A set of questions were relayed to the respondents pertaining to the extent of benefits gained from the training and its applicability to their current job. Through a qualitative analysis, it is assessed that such practice is a tool for a quality education and has provided additional knowledge and skills to students which are useful in the actual industry practice. The author recommends that further studies be made related to this topic, particularly, a quantitative analysis on the relationship of ERP system training in school and job performance of accounting graduates. A review and redesign of the college curriculum will be of great help to this endeavour. 

