Modified Shopping Cart and Checkout System


  • Mark Niño A. Carmen


shopping cart, the checkoutsystem


Shopping nowadays is one of the routine activities that people do;this is where they buy their essential needs such as food, clothes, and other goods. However, one of the common problems that is existing throughout not only locally but also internationally is the unsatisfactory shopping experience encountered by the customers; this includes the time selecting your desired product, the long line at the checkout lane and unpleasant experiences regarding the product information and the atmosphere in the establishment itself. This study aimed to create a computer program that can enhance and give ease to customers shopping experience by providing a check out system to be utilised by the customers and incorporating it into a shopping cart. The product was created by coding a program designed for the modified checkout system using the programming language C++and was then incorporated into the shopping cart along with a scanner and display. The created product shows the significant result in reducing the time spent on shopping specifically the time spent in waiting in line and the time spent on selecting products. These results are based on the comparison of the weighted mean of the time spent in selecting products and time spent waiting in line. With these results, it shows that the shopping experience of the customers would be more convenient with the new modified cart than the traditional one. 

