Coffee Battery


  • Marc Chris Andallo
  • Daniel Angelo Quitalig
  • Ann Jhudiel Quizon
  • Kenji Alphonso Tigas


coffee battery, ground coffee


The continuous production of more than 200,000 tons of coffee waste annually is a great dilemma as the demand for coffee arises per year around the world. Utilizing used coffee grounds, the researchers tested the hypothesis that coffee waste can be an alternative material in making a battery. Used coffee grounds were gathered from coffee shops and dried naturally. Unused batteries were opened, and the coffee grounds were combined with the battery mixture inside the shell. The battery shells were closed tightly. The voltage of each sample was determined, and the capacity of the batteries was testedonLED lights. A voltmeter was used to analysedata. Compared to batteries with a lesser amount of used coffee grounds (at least ½ to 1 tsp of used coffee grounds), a greater amount of used coffee grounds (at least 1 ½ to 3 ½ tsp of used coffee grounds) produced a higher voltage. A lesser quantity of used coffee grounds recorded an average of 0.98 volts. A greater quantity of used coffee grounds recorded an average of 1.16 volts. The LED lights were also lit up. This study showed that there is an effect when used coffee grounds were mixed inside a battery and can be an alternative material in making batteries. The recorded average amount of voltage among the batteries is 1.16 volts, suggesting a potential in the use of coffee waste in making batteries. Further experiments will clarify the durability of the coffee batteries using it in different battery-operated materials.

