The Effects of Bullying and Its Influence on the Pupils' Academic Achievement


  • Avelino B. Mortel
  • Lea C. Adove


prevalence, bullying, academic achievement



This study on bullying serves as a guide for educators on the importance of determining the safety of the school against bullying, its prevalence, and its relevance to the academic achievement of pupils and will finally lead to the formulation of helpful counseling activities that will help control bullying in school.


By random sampling, the bullies, victims and pro-social are identified using the bullying survey and the bullying prevalence questionnaire (BPQ). Using the descriptive survey method of research, the extent of bullying in schools and its attempt to relate it to the academic achievement, safety level against bullying as well as its prevalence were determined. The study is entirely based on a survey using a questionnaire. The statistical tools were used to provide for answers to the problems of the study are weighted mean, standard deviation, and chi square.


It has been found out that 1) Both maleand female feel unsafe about being bullied in their class. On the contrary, they feel safest of being bullied by other kids in school. 2) There are more bullies than victims and there are most victims than pro-socials. 3) among the groups, pro-socials tend to have higher academic achievement than pupils who belong to victims and bullies. 4) Bullies have low academic achievement compared to victims.

The result shows that pupils with higher academic achievement tend to feel safe than those children with lower academic achievement. Pupils with poor academic achievement feel scared and not so safe.

There is a significant relationship between the prevalence level of bullying and academic achievement. Those pupils who have very low, low and average prevalence levels tend to have fair academic achievement. Those with high and very high prevalence levels have poor academic achievement. There is a significant relationship between safety level against bullying and academic achievement. Those children who feel very safe and safe tend to have outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory and fair academic achievement. Those not so safe have fair academic achievement. Those with unsafe and scared level against bullying have poor academic achievement.


The result demonstrated the academic achievement of pupils has a significant relationship with the safety level and prevalence level of bullying. For this reason, bullying should be controlled and gradually be eradicated from occurring in schools.

