The Effect of Wi-Fi Radiation in the Growth of Mongo (Phaseolus aureus) Plants


  • Kristine S. Jimenez


WiFi, Radiation, Effect on Organism, Sico 1.0 National High School



All radio devices like cellphones, radios, televisions, and Wi-Fi devices communicate via electromagnetic radiation. The World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have classified mobile phones as a possible carcinogen. This study aimed to find the effect of Wi-Fi radiation on living things. The researchers used mongo plants as test specimens.


This study used experimental design. in Treatment A, the plants were planted far from the Wi-Fi router and Treatment B were placed near the Wi-Fi router. The plants in treatment A were 8 meters away from the source of radiation. The growth of plants was observed for ten days.


The quality of plants was evaluated in terms of health and height. The plants near the Wi-Fi router were moderately healthy (mean = 2.8) according to respondents while the plants far from the Wi-Fi radiation were very healthy (mean = 4.48). The average height of these plants was 64.73 mm while the plants away from Wi-Fi radiation had an average height of 228.47 mm. Using Smith's Statistical Package, it was shown that plants away from the Wi-Fi radiation were statistically healthier and taller than the plants near the Wi-Fi radiation.


Since long exposure to Wi-Fi radiation had an effect on living things, the researchers recommended that cellphone users should not sleep with the mobile next to their bed. They should put their phones far away or put it in another room. They could turn them off when not in use.

