ORNAMATE: Indoor Watering System for Ornamental Plants


  • Rianah Kate L. Togado


Ornamental, Automatic, Companion, Drowning, Soil Moisture, Wilting



Even in our progressive and technological age many of us are still finding time to grow plants. We often grow indoor plants as part of our hobbies. The idea is to create a greener space at home. However, people intended to have indoor plants but forget to water it before they had to go to their perspective places. That is why the researchers came up with making ORNAMATE which stands for Ornamental companion: a plant watering system that can help in making growing plants easier and less time consuming with a proper amount of water that the plant needed.


When all the materials were assembled and the program was uploaded to the motherboard, the researchers calibrated the soil moisture level using a dry and wet cloth. The data they gathered shows that in the level of 400-500, the moisture is high and when the sensor reached 800-900, it was low. in the program, when the device sensed the moisture is low, ORNAMATE automatically waters the plant at the same time the buzzer will make a sound and the monitored level will flash on the LCD.


ORNAMATE is a device specifically designed to manage the water consumption of indoor plants with its many features, one being a Soil moisture sensor that will detect if the plant needs or does not need watering. Another is the water pump which will activate or deactivate upon the results that the sensor will get. The values needed to activate the pump are (800-900) which is low moisture, after activation the pump will automatically stop at (400-500) or high moisture levels. With these features, ORNAMATE regulates the amount of water being applied or put onto a plant and will greatly benefit everyone with their indoor plants because with ORNAMATE your plant is taken care of.


Soil moisture plays a great role in plant growth, the amount of moisture can either make plants wilt or drown. Water too plays a major part in plant growth as it acts as a medium through which nutrients from the roots gets throughout the plant. Indoor plants also known as Decorative or Ornamental plants don't need direct sunlight in order to survive but they may be conservative to the amount of water you give them. Too much water can lead to drowning and too little water will lead to drying or wilting.

