Solar Powered Portable Eco-Friendly Charging Station (SPPECS)


  • Britanico F. Tampis
  • Mikhail Mourhie E. Gancayco
  • Sean Yuri Mendoza


Solar energy, charging station, electronics, green technology



The world heavily relies in fossil fuels for electricity which brings an expansion of greenhouse gas emissions serving as the main cause of global warming. Often, innovations in using renewable sources of energy are implemented, but it is not enough to diminish the use of non-renewable energy. Thus, this study aimed to design the Solar Powered Portable Eco-Friendly Charging Station (SPPECS) to produce a portable charging station that can supply electricity for electronic devices.


The device was conceptualized on its electrical system and model. Afterwards, the gathered materials were used to construct the device. Preliminarily, the structure of the model was built then the electrical scheme was implied to it. The built device was tested, and results was subjected to collection. Subsequently, a survey was conducted for the assessment of the device. Through convenience sampling, fifty students were selected as respondents to evaluate the device performance. The results were used for the statistical analysis of weighted mean.


The results showed that the device was functioning accurately in charging and discharging electrical energy. in charging, it led a faster rate of charging than discharging electricity. Hence, the battery can last for extended hours and can be charged to maximum at a minimum period. On the other hand, many students who participated in the survey evaluation of the device perceived that it was convenient, efficient, and functional. However, portability problem was identified as a drawback where its weight affects the user's capability in moving it from one place to another. Inclusively, the respondents were satisfied on the abilities of the device in supplying electricity for heavy loads of electronic devices since medium to heavy loads of electronic devices were significantly powered by the mechanism.


The results establish the necessity of renewable sources of energy specifically solar energy as an alternative for non-renewable energy. Development of this device helps the environment and the user, as well as contributing to the advancement of green technology. Through portability, it can be transported to one place to another as it was designed similar to a suitcase. Moreover, the study provides the extensive use of functional solar powered portable economic friendly charging station. Further expansion of this study suggests using lightweight lithium ion batteries and improve the design to its maximum capabilities.

